Bodyguard's history

Contest is one of the most effective training form, when the participants show theirs skills and knowledge in the situations closed to real events.
Growing interest of the certain part of people to a trade of the bodyguard, aspiration of professionals constantly to expand communications and to receive new pulses to perfection of the skill, distances start to development effective method of complex check of training of the basic skills of bodyguards are competitions in scale of republic and international tournaments. Recognizing that the bodyguard accepts responsibility for a life of other person also requirements to him, are showed special.
The bodyguard should be able to distinguish and prevent danger, to protect the VIP with the help of physical qualities or fire-arms, to reveal explosives and, in case of need, to render the first medical aid and also to operate the automobile in extreme conditions and many other things.
The Ukrainian experts of security activity Leonid Kucherjavy and Peter Sherekin have developed the program of competitions and have in detail described the order performance of each exercise of multiathlon.
Kinds of professional work are included in the program of competitions, which not only are recognized by narrow experts of security activity, but also cause the big interest in spectators.
In 2001 a new kind of sports - multiathlon of bodyguards, was registered in the Ministry of justice of Ukraine, and Ministry of sport of Ukraine has ratified rules of competitions and has entered it into uniform sports classification.
Bodyguards - multiathlonists for the first time began to receive sports categories, ranks of masters of sports of Ukraine and masters of sports of Ukraine international class. First masters of sports of Ukraine of the international class of steel military men of State Security guard of Ukraine Konstantin Chornij (the captain of a team), Vladislav Zelenyj, Vyacheslav Nechiporenko and Andrey Rudchenko.