The Ministry for Family, Youth, and Sports of Ukraine
Department of the State Guard of Ukraine
Federation of Bodyguards of Ukraine
“Dynamo” Society Ukraine
Department of the State Guard of Ukraine
Department of the State Guard of Ukraine are the state law enforcement strycture of special purpose subordinated to the President of Ukraine and under inspection Supreme Rada of Ukraine.

On the State Department of the State Guard of Ukraine puted the folowing tasks:
  • Realization of the state protection concerning government of Ukraine;
  • Safety of officials in a place of their stay both in territory of Ukraine, and behind its limits;
  • Safety of members of families or officials which live together with them or accompany with them;
  • Prevention to illegal encroachments on the official and members of their families and objects concerning which the state protection is carried out, their revealings and the termination;
  • Protection of the objects determined by this Law; maintenance of safe operation of the vehicles intended for officials determined by these Law.

Department of the State Guard of Ukraine is carried out concerning the citizens registered by candidates in Presidents of Ukraine, for the period of pre-election campaign and elections.

Department of the State Guard of Ukraine is carried out also concerning heads of the foreign states, parliaments and the governments and members of their families, heads of the international organizations, whether which arrive to Ukraine are in its territory.